There is a momentum building...
it is the deep intentionality of women (and men) worldwide to participate in co-creating a better world.
At the Parliament of the World's Religions in Melbourne, December 3-9, 2009,
it has been seen as the Sacred Feminine arising.

At every event that converges perspectives, it is being grown exponentially.

This writing is a window into how this sweet energy of change coalesced
around the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, December 7-18, 2009.
The unity that emerged worldwide,
as technology brought together over 13 million signatures, thousands of vigils, images of every generation,
speaking powerfully in "accord", as One for the earth.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A wave of positive change has begun

It seems we are ready, those of us who have been preparing for an outer shift with so much attention to our inner integrity. It seems we are ready.

For those who have eyes to see, currents of change beyond the collapse and disintegration are becoming apparent, like invitations into re-integration and unity. One may notice these currents at any scale, as we resolve an issue with a loved one, relax a tension in our workplace, or attend an exciting global event.

The inner flow seems to be woven of the feminine aspects of Being, gentle and nurturant, accepting and loving, yet strong and powerful as maternal energies can be. There is a requirement for authenticity and self-responsibility, yet grace is ever-present to ease our transitions.

As an anthropologist with a deep spiritual inquiry, I'm playing close attention to the invitation. How may I best align my movements with the interwoven waves of family, community, nation, earth?

This blog is where my inquiry is leading me now. It is dedicated to building awareness of the growing tide of feminine energy and commitment, and the beautiful opportunity we are facing through the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. Imagine seeing ourselves as One people on One planet, and every nation acting from that perception.

This wave is growing, and it will become more impactful as we recognize its imminence and flow. Please share whatever you may be experiencing of this movement and contribute to our awareness here.

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