There is a momentum building...
it is the deep intentionality of women (and men) worldwide to participate in co-creating a better world.
At the Parliament of the World's Religions in Melbourne, December 3-9, 2009,
it has been seen as the Sacred Feminine arising.

At every event that converges perspectives, it is being grown exponentially.

This writing is a window into how this sweet energy of change coalesced
around the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, December 7-18, 2009.
The unity that emerged worldwide,
as technology brought together over 13 million signatures, thousands of vigils, images of every generation,
speaking powerfully in "accord", as One for the earth.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Wave at the Parliament of the World's Religions

One of the most exciting and visible crestings of the mounting wave of positive change has come from a global event celebrating the world's many religions in Melbourne, Australia, from December 3-9, 2009. This year's convergence of religious traditions was marked with an abundance of non-traditional perspectives, among them many indigenous groups, interfaith groups, some working through the United Nations, and women's groups, some celebrating the Sacred or Divine Feminine. See .

Several women from the networks that I follow are represented at the Parliament, including Women's Spirit Council,, the Association for Global New Thought, and Gather the Women Global Matrix, . Kathe Schaaf of Women's Spirit Council shares from the Parliament the good news of the "Feminine Rising" there:


How are you seeing the Sacred Feminine woven through your religious institutions? Arising in your lives?

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