There is a momentum building...
it is the deep intentionality of women (and men) worldwide to participate in co-creating a better world.
At the Parliament of the World's Religions in Melbourne, December 3-9, 2009,
it has been seen as the Sacred Feminine arising.

At every event that converges perspectives, it is being grown exponentially.

This writing is a window into how this sweet energy of change coalesced
around the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, December 7-18, 2009.
The unity that emerged worldwide,
as technology brought together over 13 million signatures, thousands of vigils, images of every generation,
speaking powerfully in "accord", as One for the earth.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A global moment... time to attend and intend

Those who can sense the inner aspects of this global moment, speak of a rising tide of unity... a growing awareness of our one planet. No matter what the outcome of the Copenhagen talks, this awareness is unstoppable! Once the truth of inter-connectedness is made visible, there is no returning to blindness.

There are so many visible threads of this "rising tide"...

I am left crying at the first 3 headlines of Copenhagen's official website Wednesday evening. Japan: 15 billion dollars in climate aid / Kerry: US to pass "major" climate legislation / Countries pledge billions to protect rainforests... positive news ... even though the negotiations have left much to be done by the world's leaders arriving for Thursday and Friday's work...

Then speaks of unity among over 100 countries and throughout Africa because of their initiative. And Bill McKibben, though 350 ppm will probably not be included in the emerging agreement, continues to invite the grassroots into participation... by calling our leaders and leaving a message, or by fasting on Thursday. Fasting... like Ghandi... fasting together and listening for truth... Imagine...

And while women's perspectives are not yet very visible at the negotiating table, they were prominent at the Parliament of the World's Religions just proceeding the Copenhagen talks, and they partnered with a strong indigenous presence as well. An aboriginal Elder shared the dias with the Dalai Lama at the Parliament's Concluding Ceremony... painted stones were given out as participants left the hall [See Glenys Livingstone's blog at ]. Imagine representatives of every religion being given such a reminder of the importance of the earth itself...

The indigenous perspective on the Earth, as our collective home, as a sacredness, as our Mother, is surely one aspect of the "Sacred Feminine". In a sense, all the negotiations at Copenhagen are about approximating this perspective, this indigenous feminine point of view... we are one earth, everyone accountable.

The BEIJING DECLARATION OF INDIGENOUS WOMEN, created at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Huairou, Beijing, 1995, states:
1. The Earth is our mother. From her we get our life, and our ability to live. It is our responsibility to care for our mother and in caring for our mother, we care for ourselves. Women, all females are a manifestation of Mother Earth in human form.
See the whole declaration at .

[See also how women are working on climate change locally: (adapting to flood conditions); (example given of women tending forests holistically); (working since Bali 2007)]

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