There is a momentum building...
it is the deep intentionality of women (and men) worldwide to participate in co-creating a better world.
At the Parliament of the World's Religions in Melbourne, December 3-9, 2009,
it has been seen as the Sacred Feminine arising.

At every event that converges perspectives, it is being grown exponentially.

This writing is a window into how this sweet energy of change coalesced
around the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, December 7-18, 2009.
The unity that emerged worldwide,
as technology brought together over 13 million signatures, thousands of vigils, images of every generation,
speaking powerfully in "accord", as One for the earth.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Negotiating Real "Climate Change"

In a world increasingly connected by modern technology, we soon realize we are being flooded by information, much of it conflicting. How are we to negotiate this flood, to take the right stand?

In a world fragmented by so many forces, personal issues can take us by storm, leaving our relationships eroded as we are buffeted about by the financial, health, spiritual problems of the times. How are we to see our way through the storms, to find peace?

In a world that has so many "hot spots", where conflict is almost endemic over generations, we find ourselves with no escape from the heat. How are we manage this climate of conflict, to live in a positive environment?

Noticing the many weather metaphors that we use for personal and social issues, it is not hard to see that each of us is living through the issues of the world in our personal lives. Science tells us that this is to be expected in nature, where a natural pattern is often repeated at different levels or fractals, e.g., the veins of the leaves mirror the branching of the tree.

Science also documents that natural phase shifts can occur in the patterns themselves under certain conditions. A phase shift of a natural pattern can begin anywhere the conditions are right. When the conditions and the pattern change in enough places, the entire system adopts the new pattern.

Here is the possibility I want to outline ... If we are seeing a fractal pattern of conflict and overwhelm in humanity's affairs at every level, we can begin where we are, to create new conditions and patterns in our own lives, and know we are participating in phase shifting the whole of humanity!

Imagine, for example... if enough of us participate in changing conditions from judgment to love, how much change there would be in the world's "climate", and what new patterns of cooperation and creativity would emerge...

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